CCHS Writing Contest

Citywide Council Resolution Writing Contest Semi-finalists
Join The Citywide Council on High Schools in our 2024 Writing Contest!
Contest Schedule
Submission Entries Begin: September 5th
Submission Deadline: December 11th
Results Announcement: December 20th
Must be a current New York City Public Schools (NYCPS) high school student; and
Contest submissions will be accepted from individual NYC public high school students, or
Collaborative teams of current NYC public high school students with all team members from the same high school; and
High schools are permitted multiple individual and team entries; and
Teams CAN NOT exceed three high school students per team; and
Individual students and teams and any combination of such may not submit more than one resolution per contest.
Submission Requirements:
A submitted resolution shall define a problem of concern to students, or to a school community, or to an education district, or to a borough, or to the entire citywide school population; and
The submitted resolution shall propose a policy solution to the outlined problem or mitigating steps to reduce some of the listed concerns; and
Resolutions supported by research shall reference evidence, and all quotations must include citations and footnotes; and
Each submission must be written in a formal resolution format. For helpful guidance please see the following presentation, Resolution Development 101, produced in conjunction with NYCPS/DOE’s divisions of FACE and Parent University at with accompanying slideshow and resolution templates at For additional examples, please see recent CCHS passed and adopted resolutions at for reference; and
Each resolution submission must be original written work whether they are submitted by individual high school students or by collaborative teams of up to three high school students per team; and
The length of each resolution should be a minimum of two (2) pages and a maximum of six (6) pages. Any supportive charts, tables, or other source material may be provided as additional exhibit pages with a maximum of four (4) exhibit pages. Submitted resolutions shall not exceed ten (10) pages; and
Resolution entries shall be submitted as PDF attachments using a provided form on from Thursday, September 5, 2024, but no later than 11:59 PM on Wednesday December 11, 2024; and
Submitted emails shall specifically include in the subject the following title, "CCHS Resolution Writing Contest."
Submitted PDF resolutions must NOT
Include any personal identifying information; and
Include any school identifying information.
Submitted resolutions SHALL
Contain a unique resolution title; and
Have the body of the email resolution submission replicate the exact title of the resolution as included in the attached resolution PDF; and
Have the email body also contain the full names and grade years of each of the high school student resolution author[s] with their respective NYCPS email address[es]; and
The full name of the representing high school; and
The name of the borough that the high school is located in; and
The name and email address of the designated high school contest school advisor (ie teacher, administrator, guidance counselor, or parent coordinator).
Recognition & Celebration
All contest finalists and semi-finalists shall be recognized during the annual CCHS Legislative Breakfast and announced to community parent leaders, education advocates, elected officials, and NYCPS leadership; and
Select medal finalists may be asked to present in-person their resolutions at the Legislative Breakfast; and
All finalists’ resolutions will be considered for adoption by CCHS.
Contest Disclaimer
Submitted resolutions immediately become the property of the Citywide Council on High Schools. Fully authorized consent is given by any and all student authors to CCHS to reproduce resolutions at any time, in any partial portions or in their entirety of the submitted student resolutions, for use as a resolution draft for the purpose of deliberations, vote consideration, possible passage, and possible CCHS resolution adoption.