
Passed Resolutions

2023-2024-01 Omnibus Resolution to Modify High Schools Admissions Rules for the Fall of 2024 and Beyond

2023-2024-02 CCHS Resolution Condemning The Hamas Pogrom in Israel and Offering Support to The New York Public School Community

2023-2024-03 CCHS Resolution on Building Utilization Plans

2023-2024-04 Resolution to ensure that schools, administrators, teachers, students, and parents have resources and a framework to de-escalate tensions caused by the Israel-Hamas war and promote constructive strategies to the New York City Public Schools (NYCPS) community. 

2023-2024-05 Protecting our Students- Resolution to Eliminate the Use of Public Schools as Early Voting Sites on School Days.

2023-2024-06 CCHS Resolution Calling for the State Legislature to Amend the Class Size Law to Exempt NYC High School in the near term 

2023-2024-07 Resolution in Support of Extending Mayoral Control of the New York City Public School System and Changes to the Panel for Educational Policy (PEP) 

2023-2024-08 CCHS Resolution for the Expansion of Zoned High Schools in NYC 

2023-2024-09 CCHS Resolution Urging High Schools to Expand Naloxone Training to School Staff in Addition to Nurses and Expand Student, Fentanyl Awareness & Prevention Programs

2023-2024-10 CCHS Resolution Recommending the Establishment of an Artificial Intelligence-Themed High School

2023-2024-11 CCHS Resolution Calling on NYCPS to Improve the Mechanics of the High School Application Process

2023-2024-12 CCHS Resolution to Adopt the CCHS Resolution Writing Contest 

2024-2025-13 CCHS Resolution to Implement an ePortfolio Initiative for NYCPS High School Students

2024-2025-14 CCHS Resolution Asking for Fair Distribution of OMNY Cards

2024-2025-15 CCHS Resolution Urging The Panel for Educational Policy to Ensure Continuity in the Administration of the Specialized High Schools Admissions Test by Approving the Pearson Assessments Contract

2024-2025-16 CCHS Resolution to Implement Artificial Intelligence Guardrails for High Schools

2024-2025-17 CCHS Resolution Urging the Inclusion of Competitive Individual and Team Chess in the Public Schools Athletic League

Pending Resolutions